Movie Screenplays by
Robert T. Roe
Books on Amazon: Sand Castle Day, The Trudeau File, & Dusty and the Booka Monster
Movie Screenplays by Robert Roe Page 5
The Green Eyed Marble is hilarious, Off The Deep End is a romantic comedy with a message, and The File
is a feel good family drama.

The Green Eyed Marble
THE GREEN EYED MARBLE (comedy) “A young masked man finds courage to conquer his extreme shyness and save his bug-phobic best friend from being tortured by a desperate sorceress after her lost crystal ball.”
VALUE NOTE: lots of funny characters with great tee-shirt lines.

The File
THE FILE (action/drama) “Not wishing to face his daughter with the truth, a dying millionaire seeks a delicate way to reunite her with her birth parents while dodging the murderous greed of his nephew.” (wga 892505)
Note: a 2003 Monterey Film Festival 1st round finalist.
VALUE LOG Family love- an Alfred Hitchcock drama with a feel good ending.