Movie Screenplays by
Robert T. Roe
Books on Amazon: Sand Castle Day, The Trudeau File, & Dusty and the Booka Monster
Movie Screenplays By Robert Roe Page 3
The Dolphins Dance introduces a new action hero, Ghost Bandits shows the power of God in the old west, and
The Last Train to Paris is an important movie that must be made. ( My Opinion)
The Dolphins Dance
THE DOLPHIN’S DANCE (fantasy) “Changed into a super hero by a murder attempt a young man seeks to protect his family though he is completely unrecognizable to them.”
Ghost Bandits
GHOST BANDITS (western) “A Texas Ranger, a mysterious Indian angel, and an orphaned girl team up to bring down a ruthless gang as told by an old college professor.” (wga 913384)
SPECIAL NOTE: A 2003 Nicholl Fellowship 1st round finalist- (1 of 320 left from 6,048 entries)
Note: a 2003 1st round finalist- (1 of 93 our of 1,000 entries)
VALUE LOG: This is a twist on Little Big Man.