Movie Screenplays by
Robert T. Roe
Books on Amazon: Sand Castle Day, The Trudeau File, & Dusty and the Booka Monster
Movie Screenplays by Bob Roe Page 2.
The Eyes is a single location thriller, The Perfect Gift is a feel-good family drama, and Dusty and The
Booka Monster is a family drama script with heart.
The Eyes sold
(Thriller Logline) title change: THE SECRET KILLERS
"Six strangers are kidnapped by a vigilante group who plan to execute them for their secret murders after they pick on of them to survive."
Dusty and The Booka Monster
DUSTY AND THE BOOKA MONSTER (comedy) “ The town drunk seemingly gets cured by a special beer but complications begin when his past begins to haunt him and his ex wife’s boyfriend gets jealous of his new progress.” (wga 1310832)
VALUE NOTE: Placed in the top 10% in the Nicholl Fellowship Contest..