Movie Screenplays by
Robert T. Roe
Books on Amazon: Sand Castle Day, The Trudeau File, & Dusty and the Booka Monster
Special Note: This script is a comedy movie pilot containing more than three continuous episodes as read by a new Hollywood intern for Richard Dreyfuss. It sets up the series that would follow on a fairly simple format with few locations.
Logline: “A man and his wife who embezzled millions from Wall Street set up a new life in small town Kingston Washington and become entangled with weirdly talented neighbors as created by a comedy writing team who keep trying to pump out new thirty minute episodes in order to convince a Hollywood reader to give them a shot.”
BUD and JILL are the main characters of a comedy tv series. The writers, BOB, THOMAS, AND FRAN both love and hate working together but somehow they make it work because of the situations they put Bud and Jill in but also the strange and interesting characters they have to deal with.For example, there is seven year old LUCY who the town’s people avoid because of her “talent” to know what they are thinking or what will happen to them next. ZIPPY is a loser who drives an old junker with a painted sign on top of Godzilla. He worships Godzilla and believes he is going to rise up out of the Sound Waters across from Kingston and eat everybody..
For example, there is seven year old LUCY who the town’s people avoid because of her “talent” to know what they are thinking or what will happen to them next. ZIPPY is a loser who drives an old junker with a painted sign on top of Godzilla. He worships Godzilla and believes he is going to rise up out of the Sound Waters across from Kingston and eat everybody. ARTY becomes Bud and Jill’s new neighbor after Lucy takes them to the home they want to buy. Arty lets them know right away that he and his wife are “swingers” and then invites them over. Bud answers that they are “rightys”. Arty worships the SEAHAWKS FOOTBALL TEAM and sets off fireworks from his back boat ramp when they win. Arty’s wife, GINA, has declared this is her year to lose weight and that even she will not stop herself.NICKY is sort of a ghost kid that shows up begging for food, DON KNOTS is a neighbor FBI agent who has been looking for Bud and Jill and can’t see they are right under his nose. ELIZABETH and ANITA live on the other side of Bud and Jill and are first discovered by Bud tanning in their back yard in the nude with Arty watching through a hole in their fence. They are actresses who are currently pretending to be Elizabeth Taylor and Anita Ekberg. Bud and Jill have six thirty gallon ice chests full of cash in their basement.